How Are Glofish Bettas Made? Are They Dyed Green?

As if flashy colors and iridescent scales weren’t enough for bettas to love, they glow! You read that correctly. They glow a gorgeous shade of green now and are truly magical. In 2020, the cult-favorite aquarium fish was finally introduced to the GloFish family. How are glofish Bettas made?

Do they have dye injections? Worse, is it possible to hand-paint them? Is it ethical to keep glofish-bettas?

This blog will cover everything you need to know about these fish, from their origins to the controversy surrounding their existence.

Let’s get to it!

How Are Glofish Bettas Made?

Glofish bettas glow in blue LED lights because of the presence of green fluorescent protein (GFP), which is originally found in jellyfish. GFP emits bright green light when it is exposed to a particular wavelength of light. This protein was originally injected into the embryo of a betta fish.

Not all glofish bettas are injected with GFP. Each glofish betta is inherited its own color and traits from its parent.

Glofish bettas, which you can see in pet shops all over the world, are offspring of fluorescent Bettas that were probably developed a few years ago.

Glofish bettas can be described as genetically modified fish.

Singaporean scientists created the first glofish by inserting fluorescent genes of jellyfish and sea anemones into eggs of zebra daanios to achieve environmental goals.

Yorktown Technologies, an Austin-based company, purchased the patent in 2005 and began breeding and selling glofish. There are now more than 12 glofish species and combinations.

Does Glowing Hurt/Harm The Bettas?

The expression of light and the green fluorescent protein (GFP gene) are safe for bettas and all other glofish species. But, too much light can cause them to lose their ability to grow and harm their health.

Are Glofish Bettas Dyed Or Injected?

Glofish bettas, unlike jellyfish cichlids and painted glassfishes, aren’t dyed with colors. They are passed down from generation after generation.

Glofish Betta Colors – What Colors Do They Come In?

At the moment, glofish Bettas are only available in one color: Electric Green. The following are their current offerings:

  • Electric Green Female Betta
  • Electric Green Male Betta
  • Electric Green Premium Male Betta

However, I am certain that the company will introduce glofish Bettas in other iconic and likely patented colors, such as Galactic Purple and Starfire Red.

Why is my Electric Green Glofish Betta turning red?

Because some fish are born with red pigmentation, your electric green glofish-betta may turn red. Their bodies and fins can develop a red tint as they grow. This is a rare condition, reportedly only 24% of the glofish Betta population experience it.

Glofish bettas without the red pigmentation won’t turn red. The gradual color change is a natural process and doesn’t have any effect on the fish’s longevity or health.

This rare red transformation makes it desirable for many fishkeepers!

Are Glofish Bettas Healthy?

Their health is not affected by the genetic modification that makes glofish-bettas glow. They are as healthy as regular bettas.

They are also susceptible to the usual betta diseases, just as standard bettas. If they are not properly cared for, they could develop velvet, swim bladder disease, ich, or popeye.

Glofish Betta Lifespan – How Long Do They Live?

The average life expectancy of Glofish bettas is 3-5 years. This is comparable to regular bettas. You can prolong the life of your fish by providing proper tank setup, maintenance, diet, and care.

Glofish Betta Food: What Can They Eat?

Bettas are carnivorous fish and eat insects and larvae in their natural habitat. In captivity they will not eat plant-based foods. A betta’s ideal diet would consist of quality fish flakes and pellets, freeze-dried food, and live foods such as mosquito larvae, bloodworms and brine shrimp.

Look for high-protein options without fillers when buying commercial pellets and flakes.

I will list 3 brands I love.

New Life Spectrum
Bug Bite
Ken’s Fish

Glofish bettas can experience constipation and bloating just like their non-modified counterparts. These problems are most commonly caused by low-quality food, excessive feeding, and failing to soak the pellets before they are eaten.

These conditions can be quite minor, but they can cause fish to die if not treated promptly.

Always soak the pellets in dechlorinated waters for at least 30 mins before you eat them to prevent bloating. Bloating can occur if the food expands in the stomach.

Also, bettas can be helped by eating cooked and skinned beans and taking Epsom salt baths.

Glofish Betta Tank Mates

Glofish bettas are, in typical betta fashion they are territorial and unsocial. They would rather have their entire tank to themselves. They are not as interested in socialization as fish.

Researchers at Belgium’s Ghent University concluded that bettas can become stressed when they share a tank with other fish, especially if they are confined and cannot swim away.

Even the most aloof and unsocial fish need companionship. You need to pick tankmates who won’t engage in head-on battles or invade your betta’s territory.

  • Snails
  • Otocinclus catfish
  • Kuhli loaches
  • Cory catfish
  • Rasboras
  • Clown plecos

While researching this article, I found many strong opinions regarding glofish bettas as well as glofish in general. A petition has been created with over 1500 signatures to end the sale of glofish Bettas.

Let’s take a look at the opinions of people about glofish-bettas.

What does the public think about Glofish Bettas?

Please Note: The opinions expressed are solely those of the authors.

“I don’t like the idea of trying to get small children to buy them. You know what? They will. They will!

“Just saw the glofish bettas in Petsmart. My immediate reaction was negative. This just seemed wrong on so many levels .”

“I have a problem with glofish-bettas. I believe the glow factor pushes them towards young chickens and encourages poor care. We need to encourage pet shops to sell fewer bettas and less .”

“I am more concerned about the crappy tanks of glofish they sell. These poor people are going to end up in what kind of micro-monstrosity measuring 1-gallon.

“The only problem I have with glofish-bettas is that they are more likely to be neglected than the bettas. The neon color is not my favorite. Anything bright and neon strong> is a bad idea.

“My concern is how brightly the lights can not disturb the fish. The Glofish betta found in the store were noticeably less skittish that the regular .”

Not all opinions are negative. Some opinions were neutral, they didn’t hold strong opinions. Let’s find out what they have to share.

Although glofish bettas don’t suit my tastes, I do not object to them. Non-GMO bettas can become blind due to their diamond eyes. They also have trouble swimming with heavy fins and are more susceptible to cancer. That’s worse than glowing .”

“They are not inherently less healthy than any other bettas, as others have said.” However, I must admit that they do have some strange genetics strong>

“I don’t really have a problem whatsoever with glofish. They are gimmicky, genetically modified, and they don’t have dye strong>.

“I am kinda okay with them. They should have proper care and tank.

It was quite a mix, didn’t you think?

Whatever the public may think, glofish account to 10% of all aquarium fish industry revenues! The new betta addition will undoubtedly increase sales.

Final words: How are Glofish Bettas made?

By genetically altering regular bettas, glofish bettas can be created. By inserting green fluorescent protein (from jellyfish) into the embryo of a betta, the first glofish bettas ever were created. Their offspring have the glow of their parents and are the glofish bettas that we love and see today.

The controversy surrounding the Glofish Betta has been quite intense. The fear is that the fishkeepers will allow them to be left in the hands of inexperienced children and end up being mistreated. If you’re thinking of getting one, ensure you learn everything you can about it to give it the best possible life.

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