My turtles will eat anything that is even remotely edible. It doesn’t even need to be edible. You can use plastic toys, rocks or poop to make it edible. It’s still quite funny to watch them munch on their small mouths. How do they feed this hunger? Are turtles equipped with teeth? Or do they depend on another?
Are Turtles able to have teeth? There are currently 356 species of turtles, but none have teeth. Depending on their species, turtles can have sharp beaks or spikes and strong jaws to chew food and attack prey. One tooth is the only one that baby turtles have, and it helps them to pick through eggs. It falls out shortly after hatching.
Recent scientific findings show that their ancestors were not so severely affected by dental problems. A team of international researchers discovered that turtles that still had teeth existed up to 160 million years ago.
Let’s now tackle the most common questions and then explore how they can survive without teeth.
Do Snapping Turtles Have Teeth?
Snapping turtles do not have teeth. They are primary carnivores and have a strong, sharp beak that can penetrate the skin. They can easily take out prey such as rabbits, ducks and fish in the wild.
Snapping turtles also use their beak to defend themselves against danger. It can also cause serious injuries.
This video shows the snapping turtle’s amazing biting skills.
Do Red-Eared Sliders Have Teeth?
Red-eared sliders do not have teeth. Their lower and upper jaws have serrated ridges that aid in food tearing and swallowing.
A tiny beak made of keratin is also available.
Do Baby Turtles Have Teeth?
Interestingly, yes. One tooth is the most important for baby turtles. The baby tooth is used to remove the eggshell. It is located at the tip of their tiny beak.
The eggshell of a turtle is very tough to penetrate because it has leather-like strength.
This keratin-made tooth is usually gone within a few days to weeks.
Do Sea Turtles Have Teeth?
Sea turtles do not have teeth. They rely instead on their tongues to lure small fish and critters. After they have lured the prey with their tongues, they close their jaws to swallow it.
Some species, such as leatherbacks or green sea turtles, have deadly spikes in the mouth that allow them to eat jellyfish without being stung.
Do Leatherback Turtles Have Teeth?
Leatherback turtles do not have teeth. They also have hundreds of spikes, a leathery tongue and a multitude of spikes that make up for the lack teeth. These spikes, also known as “papillae”, line the turtle’s stomach from its mouth to its stomach.
The leatherback’s mouth looks scarier than it seems right now. It turns out that they have amazing mouths because of a very special reason.
Evolution never disappoints, does it?
Leatherbacks are not carnivores. However, they have been known to eat jellyfish. The turtle’s stomach is protected from jellyfish by the spikes that face backward.
Did you know that leatherbacks can eat 73% of their bodyweight in jellyfish?
Do Softshell Turtles Have Teeth?
None of the softshell turtle species has teeth. They also don’t have sharp teeth. How do they swallow food? They have soft lips which help them swallow whole prey/food simultaneously.
As you can see, turtles do not have teeth. Depending on the species, turtles have different jaws, tongues or beaks which effectively replace teeth’ functions.
How Do Turtles Chew Food Without Teeth?
Turtles do not have teeth and cannot chew food. Many species depend on their beaks for small bites that they can swallow easily. They may have different beaks depending on their species.
This article would be very long if we went around explaining all the different substitutes for teeth for each species.
I have divided turtle species into three groups: herbivores (carnivores), and omnivores (omnivores).
Different Types Of Mouths In Turtles
You can actually tell a lot about the anatomy of a turtle’s mouth by looking at its food patterns. Turtles can have distinctively shaped beaks depending on what food is available in their natural habitat.
Carnivore Turtle’s Mouth
Carnivore turtles primarily hunt fish, frogs and other critters. They will often hunt ducks and rabbits, especially the larger ones. They have sharp, pointed teeth that quickly pierce the skin to rip the flesh into small pieces.
Examples of common snapping turtles and musk are available.
This article will provide more information about the hunting abilities of snapping turtles.
Herbivore Turtle’s Mouth
River terrapins and other herbivores have flat, short beaks because they only eat plants that don’t require too much tearing or shredding. These beaks are shaped like teeth and have small serrations along their edges and cusps.
Omnivore Turtle’s Mouth
The beak of an omnivore turtle borrows elements from both its herbivore and carnivore relatives. You can see the beaks cooters and painted turtles. Their beaks are strong and pointed, but not as sharp as those of carnivores.
This type of beak allows them to eat both meat-based as well as plant-based foods.
Omnivorous species such as loggerheads have powerful jaws and can crush hard-shelled prey.
Let’s now find out the truth about turtle teeth.
How Do Turtles Bite?
Even though turtles do not have teeth, their beaks are used to bite. The intensity of the bite will vary depending on the species and shape of the beak. Most turtles won’t bite unless provoked.
Your turtle’s bite might be more painful if it has an overgrown, coiled beak. To keep my turtle’s beak from growing out of control, I give him a turtle-safe sandingbone.
Does A Turtle Bite Hurt?
Although a turtle’s bite can hurt, it isn’t painful. It can be painful for those with lower pain thresholds, such as the elderly or children, and may even cause some bruising. In most cases, there will be some redness, which will disappear in a matter of minutes.
My turtles have mistook me for my food many times.
I have been bitten by a turtle in my arms, fingers and toes. If I recall correctly, the bite by an adult red-eared slider on my toe was very painful.
Do Tortoises Have Teeth?
Tortoises do not have teeth. Their mouths function in the same way as bird’s bills, but they have sharp edges. They also have strong beaks that can do serious biting.
Final Words: Do Turtles Have Teeth?
Although their ancestors had teeth, turtles today don’t have any.
How can a turtle eat or chew food if they don’t have teeth?
They have developed unique jaws, jaws and tongue shapes over a million years.