One night, I heard strange sounds from the turtle tank. The sound was initially not disturbing but it soon became more noticeable.
So I decided to go check Pablo’s habitat. And I discovered that he was making these noises. The sound was not too loud to keep my awake (yes, I am a sleepyhead), so i went back to sleep.
I was still thinking about the noise the next day. I wondered if the turtle was really snoring or had difficulty breathing from respiratory infections. Thus, it made strange sounds.
I went to the vet with my turtle to check if there were any problems.
After an extensive examination, the vet informed me that my turtle was healthy in all aspects. Feeling relieved I became a geek or a herpetologist and began to research turtle snoring on several forums.
Do Turtles Snore?
Yes, turtles do snore while they sleep. However, snoring may give the false impression that they are suffering from respiratory diseases. Adult turtles usually snore while asleep. You don’t have to panic immediately.
If your turtle makes whistling, crying, mucus discharge, and white film on the eyes, this could indicate that they have a respiratory infection. Get medical attention immediately.
So why do turtles snore?
The cheeks of turtles are the way they breathe. They have soft tissue in the airway, just like us. These tissues are relaxed and vibrate, allowing the air to flow through them while they breathe. This is why turtles snore.
Is Obesity Linked With Turtle Snoring?
Because obesity is medically proven in humans, snoring is often associated with obesity. The same cannot be said about turtles. There is still much to be learned about turtle snoring.
There is not enough evidence to support the theory that obesity and snoring in turtles are linked.
Do Turtles Snoring Indicate Illness?
A turtle’s ability to snore does not necessarily mean that it is sick. If it makes labored sounds and has other symptoms of respiratory infection, it could be suffering from sleep problems or other respiratory issues.
People have reported hearing their turtles make whistling noises when they sleep. These sounds are usually caused by a respiratory infection.
Sometimes, whistling sounds can also be produced by turtles snoring or leaning towards the tank glass.
You should look for other signs if you are unsure if your turtle is snoring, or is suffering from an illness.
A sick turtle with a respiratory infection may show symptoms such as:
- Mucus discharge
- Swollen eyelids
- Movement is slow
- Appetite loss
- Making noises such as hissing, whistling or sneezing
- Buoyancy problems (floating sideways)
Why Is My Turtle Whistling While Sleeping?
A turtle whistling could indicate a variety of reasons. A whistling turtle could indicate a respiratory infection. As they have difficulty breathing, turtles with RI will often make whistling sounds.
What Other Noises Do Turtles Produce?
Different types of noises can be made by turtles. They can hiss, grunt or bellow, whistle, chirp and gurgle, roar, or cry.
You can find out more about these sounds from turtles in my article, Do Turtles Make Noise? What sound does a turtle make?
Do Turtles Dream?
Yes, turtles dream, too. Although it might seem surprising, they can experience REM-like (rapid eyes movement) when they are asleep.
Have you ever dreamt about turtles? Here’s an article that will help you understand the meaning of turtles appearing in your dreams.
Dreaming of Turtles – Meaning and Symbolism in Bible
A Turtle’s Sleep Cycle
Turtles are diurnal animals. They sleep at night but remain awake during the day. They sleep between 4 and 7 hours per night.
It is possible that you have seen turtles asleep during the day. You should remember that turtles are not asleep deep but resting. While basking, turtles tend to sleep with their eyes closed. To retain heat, they stretch their necks and legs in order to absorb enough UVB rays.
Do Turtles Snore During Hibernation?
When hibernating, turtles use a different breathing method. They can’t breathe underwater for longer periods of time using the normal cheek and dewlap breathing technique, also called buccal pumping.
This means that turtles don’t inflate their lungs through their cheeks. They do not make snoring noises during hibernation.
Instead, turtles breathe through their cloaca organs (excreting organs) during hibernation.
Did you know that turtles in hibernation breathe through their buttholes? Learn more about this strange technique: How Turtles Breathe Butt-Breathing to Live Without Oxygen https://urbanfishkeeping.com/how-do-turtles-breathe/
Final Words On Do Turtles Snore
My girlfriend and my dog also snore like me. They snore the same way as us. The sound is almost identical.
You need to ensure that they are not snoring, or have difficulty breathing due to a respiratory illness.
Turtles that have respiratory problems often make whistling sounds. You will observe symptoms like buoyancy problems, mucus discharges, swollen eyes, etc.