Over 1,300 species of cichlids are known to be living in tropical America, Africa, South Asia, Madagascar and other parts of the world. They are fascinating because of their amazing looks and remarkable breeding processes.
There are many species that live in so many different places. This means there will be differences in how they mate and how they care for their children.
This guide will provide you with the information you need to raise cichlids in your own home.
Let’s start with a brief introduction.
Overview Of Cichlid Breeding
Cichlids can be broadly divided into two categories: substrate brooders or mouth brooders. They can choose to practice monogamy, or polygamy. Monogamous mouthbrooders are the norm for most Lake Tanganyika cichlids, except for one from Lake Victoria. Examples include chromidotilapia, spathodus, and gymnogeophagus Cichlids.
However, many substrate brooding/cave-spawning cichlids are polygamists. Examples include pelvicachromis and nannacara as well as apistogramma and lamprologus species.
All cichlids, regardless of where they came from or how they mate or brood their offspring, are territorial and aggressive during breeding. They defend their territory and eggs with fierce determination.
Pre-spawning courtship also involves shimmy and dancing, color display, and finding the perfect spot to lay eggs.
How Do Mouthbrooder Cichlids Breed?
When a female mouthbrooding Cichlid lays eggs on a flat rock, the male will pick them up immediately and place them in her mouth. Male cichlids of this genus have anal fins with egg spots. As the female takes her eggs and puts them in her mouth, the male shakes his anal fins to show the egg spots.
Assuming it is her eggs, the female proceeds to take them from the anal fins. The male will then release his milt directly into the female’s mouth, fertilizing the eggs.
The eggs will be kept in the female’s mouth by the . The buccal cavity is a pouch in the throat of mouthbrooding Cichlids that stores eggs until they hatch.
You can identify the holding female quickly by her distended mouth. She will also fast for approximately 3 weeks.
After hatching, the mother will continue to take care of her eggs. If there is danger, she may hide the fry in her mouth.
Some species have been known to chew and then spit out food into the clouds, allowing young animals to consume it.
How Do Substrate Breeder/Cave Spawning Cichlids Breed?
The female will lay her eggs in caves after the courtship period. Males in most species are responsible for finding the best spot to spawn and convincing the female to do so. The male will fertilize the eggs shortly after.
Substratum-breeding Cichlids practice polygamy which means that a male can fertilize multiple eggs in one season. The parents to be will then guard the eggs from potential predators until they hatch. This takes between 5-15 days.
They will fan the eggs to keep them fresh and remove eggs that aren’t right to stop a fungal or bacterial infestation spreading to the rest.
These cichlids also participate in parental care, just like mouthbrooders. The young ones will often follow their parent’s lead and be taken to safety and food.
Mouthbrooding Cichlid Eggs VS Substrate Brooding Cichlid Eggs
The eggs of a mouthbrooding Cichlid are larger than average – as much as 7mm. The maximum number of eggs in a clutch is 50 to 80.
Substratum-breeding Cichlids, on the other hand, lay eggs with diameters of just 2mm. The number of eggs in a clutch varies greatly from species to species. They can lay 10-20 eggs in small breeders, hundreds or even thousands in larger species.
The egg size is positively related with the time it takes for eggs to hatch. Substrat breeders are more likely to require post-hatching care than mouthbrooders.
How Do Cichlids Court For Mating?
Cichlids have a slightly different courting process depending on the species. Some species allow females to initiate the mating process. The most common mating ritual involves the male continually chasing and harassing the female.
The male will dance and shimmy while showing off his bright colors. The male will then attempt to lure the female into a cave that has been dug to deposit the eggs.
Most mouthbrooding Cichlids will harass the female even after fertilization. This is the best time to transfer the female into another tank, since the male is no longer required.
Note that some substrate brooding Cichlids have both male and female care for eggs until they become free-swimming fry.
How To Induce Breeding In Cichlids?
First, ensure that your cichlids are at the breeding age. This process can take between 4 months and 1 year depending on which species you have. You can then conduct water changes and feed your pet a healthy diet.
Provide Flat Rocks And Hollow Caves
Cichlids that are mouthbrooding prefer flat, clean rocks. Substrate brooders, on the other hand prefer to spawn in caves. You will need to offer several amenities depending on what kind of cichlids are being bred.
These rocks and caves should be placed in the tank’s secluded areas.
Perform Major Water Change
A major water change is the best way to encourage your cichlids’ breeding. Allow the filter to soak in the water for 30-40 minutes. Next, reduce the water level. Then, fill the tank with slightly colder water.
It’s not something you should do over and over again. Cichlids are used to lakes with stable water and don’t like sudden changes.
Provide Clean Water
Cichlids don’t care too much about water quality, but they will often mate if there is clean water. You need to make sure the water is clean and healthy.
Feed Nutritious Meals
You don’t have to feed your cichlids unhealthy food. However, a little bit of extra nutrition can help encourage them to become mates.
Don’t feed too many food at once as this can make the water more dirty. If they are fed too much protein-rich foods, herbivores cichlids might have trouble digesting.
How Do I Know If My Cichlids Are Mating?
Cichlids can tell when they are ready to mate or are in mating mode by displaying subtle signs. These signs include increased aggression, sudden female reclusion, changes in appetite, and other subtle signals.
Change In Male Cichlid’s Attitude
Male cichlids can be more aggressive during breeding season than usual. They will attack other males and bully females into mating.
The male will show his affection to the females as part of the courtship ritual. As he attempts to lure the female to his nesting spot, he will dance, shimmy and shake vigorously.
Examine The Rocks At The Bottom
Pay attention to the rocks at the bottom. Substratum-breeding Cichlids will often arrange rocks in order to create a cave that the female can lay eggs in. Both parents will swim in and out the cave to guard the eggs.
Mouthbrooding Cichlids will spawn on a flat, clean rock. You can see that the parents are constantly passing by a flat rock.
Check Up On To-Be Mothers
Substratum-breeding Cichlids can be viewed with the magnifying glasses. The female wave her tail furiously and deposits eggs. In a few days, the eggs will begin to develop tiny dots (which may be eyes)
It is much easier to identify the female who incubates her eggs in the throat. A bulge under the mouth or swelling of the mouth are usually signs.
There could be behavioral changes as well. She might stop eating altogether or eat very few meals. She will also appear more reserved and distant than usual.
How To Breed Cichlids? Step-by-Step Guide
Cichlid breeding is relatively simple and easy for most fishkeepers. You will need to setup a breeding tank (optional), and a fry tank if you are serious about breeding. To incite breeding, you will need to perform larger water changes and set up a tank with a suitable layout.
Prep Your Breeding Tank
The minimum size of the breeding tank should be 45-gallons in volume and at least 4 feet in length. You can add sand, gravel substrate or a few hiding spots. If you have mouthbrooding Cichlids, add several flat rocks. Concave rock-like structures can be added to substrate-brooding Cichlids.
Keep the temperature at 80 degrees F. Cichlids can survive in many water conditions and are a hardy species. However, they prefer to breed in clear water.
Calcium or magnesium buffers can be used to make the water alkaline.
Introduce Breeding Cichlids To The New Tank
Introduce the breeding school for cichlids into the breeding tank. One male and five to six females is the ideal ratio. If the tank is large, you should not add two males to your breeding tank. This can lead to injury or even death for the sub-dominant male.
You can do a water change, add flat rocks and caves, as discussed previously to encourage breeding.
For signs of mating, you can observe the behavior of fish. The males will often dig at the substrate to try and lure the females into mating.
The male and female consenting to the lay of eggs will also make multiple passes at the spawning area.
Monitor The Holding Female and Eggs
You can identify a female mouth-brooding female by her distended, shaped mouth. You may need to use a magnifying lens to examine the tank for substrate-brooding Cichlids.
The male may be removed and moved to the main tank. Some cichlids have males who take care of the eggs and are hands-on dads. It all depends on what species you have.
Aquarists may also prefer to remove the eggs from the females and incubate them artificially, so that she is less likely to starve or swallow the eggs.
Transfer The Holding Female To Fry Tank (Optional)
You can transfer the holding female from a mouthbrooder to the fry tank. We recommend that you do this only at the end if possible.
Even for a cichlid, moving is stressful. Under stress, the matriarch will spit out her eggs early. They have a greater chance of survival if they are moved at a later stage.
The fry tank must have a minimum of ten-gallon capacity. Finally, add a heater as well as a sponge filter.
Caring For The Fry
After hatching, the mother will take care of her baby fry for several days. She will sometimes take the baby fry inside her mouth, and hide them if they are in danger.
Although post-hatching care can take place in the wild for a little longer, it is wise to bring her back to the main tank within 2-3 days of being in captivity. If she is absent for too long, the female will lose her rank and may be bullied upon her return.
The yolk sac will be used by the fry to provide nutrition for the first few days. After they are no longer able to swim, you can supplement their diet with baby brine shrimps, liquid fry food and pulverized flake foods.
Weekly water changes of 5-10% should be made in the fry tank. To avoid fluctuations, make sure you maintain your heating, filtration, and aeration systems to the letter.
When the fry reach about one inch in length, you can transfer them into the community tank.
How To Strip Cichlid Eggs?
Some owners prefer to remove the eggs and incubate them artificially. We recommend waiting until the end of the incubation period if you feel like doing this. Fill the container with water from the tank and turn off the lights.
After the tank’s inhabitants have become used to the darkness gently net the female brooding. You must be very careful when handling the tank’s inhabitants so she doesn’t get stressed out.
Once she has settled into the container, gently hold your left hand over her. Next, open her mouth with your right hand. A bent twisty tie is also possible. It doesn’t have to be sharp.
Next, gently rock her and allow her to float in the water. The fry will be released if the eggs are already hatching.
You will need to incubate eggs in a tumbler until they hatch.
The whole process of removing eggs from the female can be quite stressful for all involved. If it’s not done correctly, things can quickly go wrong. It’s best for the female to go to term at her own rate.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Often Do Cichlids Breed?
Cichlids can reproduce once every six weeks, on average. The length of the breeding season can vary depending on the species and health of the cichlid, as well as the tank environment and the nutrition intake.
How Long Does It Take African Cichlids To Breed?
African cichlids can reproduce once every six weeks. The mother will then incubate her eggs in her mouth for 21 to 36 days, until they hatch into free-swimming fry.
How Long Do Cichlids Keep Babies In Mouth?
Baby cichlids that are mouthbrooding will keep them in their mouths for between 21 and 36 days. The mother of most species will keep her fry warm in her throat until they hatch.
If there is danger, the mother may also scoop out all her eggs and place them in her mouth.
What’s A Cichlid’s Breeding Age?
It can take Cichlids anywhere from 4 months to one year to reach sexual maturity. Based on the average life expectancy of each species, the length of time it takes to reach sexual maturity varies.
Can I Breed Cichlids In A Community Tank?
If you don’t want to raise the fry, you can certainly breed cichlids within a community tank. There’s a good chance that other animals will eat the tiny fry from your community tank.
If you want to raise fry, it is a good idea to add several hiding spots.
Conclusion: Cichlid Breeding Guide
Cichlid breeding can seem daunting. There is so much information available. This guide is designed to help you sort through all the information one by one.
If you really want to raise fry, it is a good idea to have a separate breeding/fry tank. A community tank will have a low survival rate. However, even if you are unable to set up another tank for your fish, be sure to plant lots of plants and hideouts. And, hopefully, the fish will survive. You might also consider a breeding box.
It depends on the species. However, one male for five to six men is considered the best sex ratio for breeding. Inducing breeding can also be achieved by taking large water changes or eating nutritious meals.
However, it is important to read up on cichlid-specific information. There are many species of cichlids. Although their needs and mechanisms are the same, they will have different needs. Good luck!
Happy reading!